Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Interesting Facts about Shakespeare

In spite of being the most famous play writer known, William Shakespeare had a very interesting life. In order to show you just how interesting it was here are some interesting facts about him. Did You Know That…?
- Shakespeare’s actual birthday is not known
- His wife Anne Hathaway was eight years older than him and she was three months pregnant when they got married
- He never published any of his plays
- All of Shakespeare’s family was illiterate
- No one really knows what Shakespeare looks like because there was never a portrait of him painted while he was alive
- Majority of his plays were published seven years after he died.
- Williams father was the Mayor of his hometown Stratford

These are just some of the interesting facts out there about the famous William Shakespeare!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Shakespeare's Hometown

In the sixteenth century Stratford was a thriving rural town. It was home to about 1500 people. He was born right next to the river of Avon. The regions fragile economy could easily be disrupted; livestock could be eradicated by pests, or crops destroyed by summer deluges. In the 1590’s 2 outrageous fires were known to have caused a severe food crisis in Stratford with paupers forced to rely on local handouts until a petition led to Elizabeth agreeing to relieve the town afflicted and almost wasted by fire from state coffers. It seems like a little town to me. I would not mind to live there myself.

shakespeare's mom

MARY ARDEN THE EARLY YEARSMary Arden was born in 1540 as a member of the noble Catholic family of the Ardens of Park Hall whose family forebears had been given land by William the Conqueror. The Ardens were one of Warwickshire's most prominent families, tracing its ancestry back beyond the Norman Conquest to the Doomsday Book. Mary was the favourite of eight daughters of the widowed Robert Arden. His second marriage in April 1548 to Agnes Hill, a widow of another prosperous farmer, added four stepchildren to his own family. The family home was called Glebe Farm a two-storey Wilmecote farmstead. Mary was sixteen when her father died and she was named as one of the Executers of her father's will in which he left her some money and some land in Wilmecote.


William shakespeare are was born in 1564 in Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire, England. Shakespeare was baptized on April 26 1564. He died April 23 1616 and was survived by his wife and two daughters. Shakespeare is buried in the Channel of the Holy Trinity Church two days after he died. A stone brick covering his grave is inscribed with a curse against anyone moving his bones. In his will, Shakespeare left the bulk of his large estate to his elder daughter Susanna. Shakespeare’s Will barely mentions his wife, Anne, who was entitled to one third of his estate automatically. Sometime during 1623 a monument was made in his memory on the north wall of the church.

Shakespeare, William. “William Shakespeare" From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Online. Internet. 23 October 2007. Available:

Love life!

Shakespeare life is still a mystery we never keeped track of his life. Well do you ever wonder if he had a true love or got married did he have an affair. Well I have always wanted to know if any of that is true. Anne Hathaway was his wife he married her when he was 18 she was 8 years older then him, that’s a pretty big age different. When they got married they were pregnant with Susanna there first child then a few years later Anne and William had twins named Hamlet and Judith. As Shakespeare was producing his play Romeo and Juliet people say that he had a love affair with his actress that played Juliet well it wasn’t true he was happily married the his wife Anne.

Was "Shakespeare in Love" a true story?
Copyright © 2000-2005

The Wife of William ShakespeareMarriage to Anne Hathaway
copyright © 2005 William Shakespeare info

William Shakespeare

Both William Shakespeare’s parents couldn’t read or write. He had a free education. He went to the King Edward IV Grammar School when he was seven years old. Sometimes
the school boys would start school at six in the morning
and sometimes ended at six in the evening. Shakespeare stopped school when he was 14 because of his father. It is not known what he did after that but he definitely did something. He probably baked or farmed. He also may have written in his free time. Shakespeare must have wrote because he definately would grow up to be a great writer.

William Shakespeare Site Map. "The childhood and education of William Shakespeare." Elizabethan Education. Online. Internet. 23 Oct. 2007. Available:

No Sweat Shakespeare. "Shakespeare's Childhood and Teenage Years." Online. Internet. 23. Oct. 2007. Available: